The benefits of exercise for people with Diabetes
What is Diabetes? - A chronic disease characterized by an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin that results hyperglycemia...
Six benefits of exercise for people with Prostate Cancer
Lessen side effects of treatment. Exercise and higher levels of physical fitness have been shown to reduce recovery times following chemotherapy bouts....
Five benefits of exercise for people with Cerebral Palsy
Improve Aerobic Endurance. Have more energy to get through the day and be able to exercise for longer...
What is an Exercise Physiologist?
An Exercise Physiologist (EP) is an expert in improving the lives of people living with injury, chronic disease or disabilities. Using exercise and lifestyle interventions an EP can help you with your chronic lower back pain, improve your management of type 2 diabetes, or increase your potential to overcome the challenges of your disability. EPs are 4-year university trained and backed with a comprehensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and behavioural psychology. Some common conditions an EP will help with are: Cardiovascular Coronary artery disease heart failure high blood pressure cardiac rehab Musculoskeletal sports injury chronic pain osteoarthritis osteoporosis and osteopenia pre and...